We are so glad we have spent this time down here before our year begins in November. We have made so many contacts thanks to Arturo, and actually have a plan of action (although at times a little overwhelming!). It is definitely a leap of faith, but we now know we have a lot of support from the church, local Rotarians and others we have met.
We flew out of Lima yesterday to Guayaquil, Ecuador and fortunately in front of us in the mob going through immigrations was the rest of our Rotary team from Idaho! Five flights had all landed at the same time, and it took us over 2 hours to work our way through the chaos. What a haven for swine flu to run rampant as we were all crammed into such hot, humid, tight quarters. We hedged our bets....six of our team were prudent and kept their surgical masks on! Part of the bottleneck was a result of the Ministry of Health insisting on using their new high-tech heat sensor cameras to individually photograph each of us to check for fevers. The only thing that got a little hot was tempers!