Hiking trails are enjoyed everywhere. Nicki, Bev, Kaya (4 1/2 months) and their dogs...who Bev is indebted to after they scared a bear off the property.
Opa Scott and his buddies Leo (3 1/2) and Kaya (4 1/2 months)
What a big help!
Long Alaska days mean a lot of daylight hours to hike, bike, work outside and enjoy summer!
Ben is a super dad! And Kaya is a very happy and healthy little baby after her very dicey first week of life. She loves to talk, squeal and laugh.
And Nicki is a super mom! We were so impressed how Nicki and Ben handle all they do with Nicki's family practice residency and Ben's staying home with the kids and his puzzle business. They have a lot of fun! (so we did too!)
Who is entertaining who?
Bullwinkle down the road said to be sure to say hi!