Our thanks to all youth and adults who joined us for 5 days in Calahuyo, a small rural community in the northern region of Lake Titicaca. What an outstanding group of tough volunteers who went with us to "Construction Camp" out in the campo. We did church construction and repairs. We also had one day of Vacation Bible School, an eye clinic, and many memorable rich experiences with the locals.
And......many evening card games!

The playground across the road became a hang out for exciting games of soccer, American football, hoola hoops and baseball.
Vacation Bible School theme of "Caring for God's Creation" meant learning about caring for ourselves and caring for the environment.
Here's the VBS showing off their new toothbrushes. Only one of the 20 kids in attendance had owned their own toothbrush.
Our local choir doing an outstanding job leading songs in both Spanish and English.
Then it was time to pick up community trash to care for the environment!
Before snacks we learned when, how, and why we wash our hands!
Learning to brush teeth was a new experience for both the adults and the kids. Our promotores will follow up with more instruction and toothbrushes in the schools.
There was plenty of work both inside and out...grounds, stucco, windows, ceiling, doors. Thanks to all who worked with the two maestros from the community, and we will be sending photos of the church when the few last touches are finished.
Preston coaching baseball...a totally new and exciting game for the locals. Fun to share! It was also fun to watch the kids communicate through sign language, Spanglish and laughter.
The locals were also eager to share their lives with us....
And some of us caught on!
They were very eager to learn English.....just as we were eager to learn Spanish.
Presentation of a banner from the children of Boise FUMC to the children of Calahuyo Iglesia Metodista and Pastor Narciso.
The work crew!
Note the beautiful tiles from the Kelly family which are being mounted on 3 churches in this region.
We were the first Gringo group to have come here and the team made a lasting impression and boost to this church and its community. Our thanks to each and every one of you!