Scott and the girls! Bev, Scott, Barb and Cammeo in Sucre exploring a new part of Bolivia. Highly recommended by all!
We took a 14 km. day hike in the mountains outside of Sucre. These pictographs are 20,000 years old. It was not hard to imagine the pre-Incan culture which lived and traveled through these mountains. We saw the caves where they rested, streams where they drank as they ran to the next village carrying messages written on paper-thin bark.
The interesting jagged rock formations and huge valleys still inhabited by villagers and their sheep.
Our Iowa girl trying out her balance and skill! Cammeo had not done much hiking before, but did awesome.
Barb and Bev on a section of the Inca trail....there are thousands and thousands of miles of Inca trail to be hiked on in both Peru and Bolivia.
Hint for anyone coming to hike any sections of the trail: stair step training before you come!
Yes, Scott is leaving his mark of balancing rocks throughout Peru and Bolivia. I had illusions of grandeur .....a giant on top of Cerro Rico of Potosi?
Close....this is the real Cerro Rico looming over Potosi. Eight million indigenous lost their lives mining this mountain for the Spanish. Average life span is still just 10-15 years after they begin their mining career here because of silicosis which destroys their lungs.
Barb at St. Teresa Convent with cloistered nuns. Their fund raiser: you ring a little bell, put money on this revolving tray and door, and place your order for candied fruit.
And it magically appears! We decided it was very sweet and sticky, but a unique experience. We did manage to get the nun providing our fruit to speak....Barb got a response to her question regarding how many nuns lived there.
"Hay muchas."
Is that a Trek?